HEALTH on board
This is an issue that we care a lot because of the environment in which we operate and the latitude in wich we sail. By spending so much time at sea we must gave a good kit on board to fix the mishaps that we could have.
We thank Dr. Oleaga, who serves as emergency doctor in Ercilla clinic in Bilbao who taught us a great course in first aid in navigation andto Mutualia itself, for give us a complete kit.
In Pakea Bizkaia we have two kits, one for emergency care with material for wounds (antiseptic suture), burns (to treat burns of 1st and 2nd grade), traumatism (bandages to contain adhesive and cohesive elastic , fracture orthosis) and material to perform CPR including a defibrillator. Also, we have a warehouse kit with material non-emergency health care and storage in which include antibiotics, medications for stomach problems, dermatological, bandages, care of problems naso-oro-pharyngeal, etc …
At the moment, and we hope it will be the story of the expedition, we hadn’t serious accidents, only a little consideration court that we has resolved successfully with a few simple points of approach and some antiseptic.