
The environmental consist in natural, (sea, forest, river...), elements without life, (water, land...), alive beings, (animals, flowers...), differents cultures, and finaly, the relationship about them.

The impact of the human action has cause multitude of environmental problems as the warming, the disappearance of species, the pollution of the Oceans, of the Earth and of the air, the uncontrolled exploitation of the natural resources… For this reason, we have to meet our environment, and to act in an intelligent way to protect it and to preserve it. We have to reinvent the way to be related to the Planet. We have to guarantee a suitable quality of life for the present generations and the future ones.

By the education we want to take part in the raising awareness towards the environment. For it, we will transmit our experiences and the ones we collected along the expedition, linked to the care and conservation of the Planet and his inhabitants.