Monday August 30th, 2010After saying goodbye in the navy of Lerwick and enjoy watching some seals swimig close to Pakea Bizkaia, we have begun the journey to Bergen, our first port in Norwegian waters.
The weather is good, with average winds from the west, which will push us to Norway. This navigation area is filled with gas platforms and oil. It is difficult to navigate between them, because you have to give them enough respect, and there is always a tug boat, taking care that no approach to them.
Anecdotally, we will cross the Greenwich Meridian and start sailing to the east.
Once arriving to the Norwegian coast, we refine our navigation, as the entrance to the fjords and Bergen is very complicated, with numerous steps, bridges and narrow entrances which endanger the mast.
In total, we will sail about 210 miles long to the east, the direction 090 and we expect to arrive in about 30 hours.