Monday August 23rd, 2010 Coinciding with the festivities of Bilbao, we want to pay our tribute to Marijaia and of course, to the Scottish land and its inhabitants because of the good welcome that they have made for us over the Caledonia channel.
After more than twenty locks along the entire canal we wouldn’t finish our trip without enjoying the scotiish rhythms, therefore, the piper Billy came to say goodbye and as we crossed one by one the six locks that separated us from Loch Ness got excited about the sharp sound of his bagpipes.
Its impromptu concert attracted lots of tourists crowded around the piper and PAKEA BIZKAIA, getting out of Loch Ness was even more special for the entire crew.
Already in the lake, blowing 30 knots, which allowed us to fly until the new channel narrowing. Nessi wouldn’t come out to the surface so the PAKEA BIZKAIA sailed alone through the dark waters of the lake.