On board is very important to know how to use the VHF station, a simple radio with a rather limited scope but very useful for communicating with other boats close to us and coastal stations who gives weather reports.

The distance you can get with this type of radio depends on the weather but is usually around 20 / 25 miles, thats the distance between Punta Galea and Matxitxako.

We should always make good use of it, being clear, brief, strong and using some basic rules wich are established for Communications and for asking help: always identify the name of the boat from where we call at the end say the word “over” to give the chance to speak to the other person, to finish the conversation say “over and out.”

It is also handy for when we arrived at port and we want to know if there is place for tying.

Today, with the use of mobile phones and satellite communications, the VHF radio use has diminished, but it would still save an enormous charm and utility to people who sail.